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Oceanside Residents STOP Corporate STRs in their Neighborhoods

Writer's picture: Neighborhoods Are For NeighborsNeighborhoods Are For Neighbors

70% of Oceanside Voters said they wanted restrictions on Short Term Rentals in the City.

Your voice was heard and the whole City achieved that success at the City Council Meeting! Last night (April 24th ) at the City Council, the Council voted in favor of new regulations on short-term rentals.

Here is a summary of what the City Council approved:

1. A cap on unhosted STRs across the entire coastal zone. This stops the unrestricted growth in STRs throughout the coastal zone where there are currently 833 unhosted STRs. This will only allow 25 more STRs throughout Oceanside. Before, all coastal zone homes in the City of Oceanside were under threat of being turned into STRs, in all coastal zone neighborhoods.

2. On December 20, 2023 the City Council previously protected the non-coastal zones by stipulating that there can be no new STRs there. Last night, the City extended this protection to no new STRs in the coastal zone residential-only neighborhoods such as the R-1 zone. This provision mirrors the Council’s December action to stop all new STRs in the non-coastal zones.

3. Allowing our neighborhoods to slowly return to neighbors. When an R-1 residential-only STR is sold or a building permit filed to have it be expanded, the STR permit will not be renewed. This slowly, over time, will return our neighborhoods to family occupied-residences with real neighbors and not weekend guests.

4. No more 10 bedroom party houses. The Council approved a 5-bedroom cap on STRs and a maximum occupancy of 14. Previously, STR developers would gut normal 3 or 4 bedroom homes and turn them into 10-bedroom party mini-hotels that would allow 22 occupants plus 10 visitors or 32 people that could legally use these homes to party and disrupt the neighborhoods.

5. Better enforcement - Increased fines for rule breakers, and new rules on amplified music and disruptive behavior between 10 pm and 10 am. A second code enforcement officer to enforce these rules, and a proper 24/7 monitored hotline number posted on every STR for resident complaints.


This is a BIG WIN for Oceanside residents and we couldn’t have done it without all of your calls, letters and emails to the City Council. A special thank you to those who showed up to speak at the City Council meeting last night!


Our next stop is the California Coastal Commission. They still need to approve these regulations since they take place in the City’s coastal zone. It may be a little while until they take action, but the regulations approved last night will be enforced by the City as of last night. We will let you know as the Coastal Commission hearings gets closer.

Please thank our Neighborhood Champions for standing up for our neighborhoods:

Mayor Esther Sanchez

Deputy Mayor Ryan Keim

Councilmember Rick Robinson

Councilmember Peter Weiss.

Thank you for your support of Neighborhoods Are For Neighbors!

Most importantly - Thank you for all you do to make Oceanside a great place to live!


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Apr 30, 2024

What about limiting the number of short-term rental properties owned by a single person or company to one or two? The overall limit for Oceanside is now 25. However, regardless of the total limit, it would be great to prioritize part-time or full-time resident owners or small-time individual investors. Hopefully, the 25 STR properties are not all owned by one or a few corporate investors.


Betty Stuart
Betty Stuart
Apr 28, 2024

Who are the council that voted against this? I live in the 800 block of S. Pacific St. Each of the row houses has 10 or more bedrooms. Who will enforce the rules for this whole block?

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